So what the heck is 'digital cross-processing'??? Well first off, I was turned on to analogue cross-processing by my friend Adam Hodgins while I was at Lakehead. He had this cheap, plastic medium format camera called a Holga that he used to take square photos. Very talented guy! Check him out!
So cross processing is when slide film is used and then developed using the chemicals for negative processing. This causes color shifts, over exposure and a funky retro 70's feel. I tried to duplicate the effect using Photoshop.
This is Jenn's Mom's mailbox. I also distorted the image to have it appear to have been taken with a fisheye lens (a hopeful future purchace).
The following 6 shots were taken in Japan. The first two at Fushimi Inari shrine outside Kyoto. Insidently this is where the little girl is running at the end of the movie 'Memoirs of a Geisha'.
Here is our lovely host Jen crackin' it while talking to Lou.
And ofcourse ROCK STAR Dave Prideaux at Osaka Jo during Hanami the Cherry Blossom Viewing season.
This shot was taken during our first spring in Japan. We ventured out to Kobe and found ourselves at the harbour.
Me. Some random plexiglass sculpture in Kobe.
Self-portrait on the Hankyu train. Most likely I was amusing myself and gaining intimate knowledge of our camera on my way to work in Kyoto.
This a student in K3 in Hong Kong who's hand is trying to block my shot.
Jenn is walking through Victoria park in Hong Kong. I also distorted the image to have a slight fisheye lens effect.
Jenn and I stopped on our drive up to Tundra Bay and took this shot using the self timer and some stones to prop up the camera a tad.
Well I hope you enjoyed my attempt at digital cross-processing. Any comments or suggestions are certainly welcome.