This Blog is dedicated to Johanna Welker.
Her love, courage, commitment and generosity allowed us to share so much more of Kyra's life.
She was born on August 24th 1991 and given to a family that named her Kyra.
When she was just nine months old this family decided they didn’t want a dog like Kyra cause she was kinda like a cat, personality-wise. We went to see her and how could we not take her home and love her to bits. Just look at her!!!!! So that’s what we did.
Kyra has been with us since nearly the beginning of US and even for those periods when there was no US there was still Kyra.
Kyra didn’t bark, she didn’t like chasing balls, she would perform a trick only once before becoming bored and scoffing at us when we asked her to do it again. She wasn’t often cuddly and walked away the minute she had had enough. She moaned at us when we made too much noise while she was trying to sleep and acted like she could care less (after an initial sniff) when we walked through the door.
But she was a gift from heaven and we love her just for being Kyra.
One thing that would get her excited was when we brought out her leash. She loved when we lived near Victoria Park and would take the path all the way around. At the beginning of our walk she would pull & pull & pull.
Then, it was almost like she instinctively knew the humans had hit their halfway point and that we were completing that second half of the loop, which meant only one thing…WE WERE HEADING HOME!
Her pace would instantly turn to a slow, sleuth-like dawdle, where every little scent was worth a good 1-2
minute nose investigation.
She also loved the snow and it was something you couldn’t tear her away from. She would bound through the white stuff and stick her nose deep in it trying to track down the source of some smell.
Kyra was relaxed or laid back or lazy depending on your point of view but then from out of nowhere she would have a nuclear burst of energy and rip around the house like a psyche patient.
And even after years of being on Senior Diet Dog Food people still mistook her for a puppy because she had this child-like prance to her step.
But the years eventually catch up to everyone as they have with Kyra too. So this Blog is to celebrate her life and how she enriched the lives of everyone who loved her.