My goodness it has been far too long since the last blog. I was looking at some of the last photos and realized what a blog bludger I've been.
Well I have to put some pictures up of Scout and her Dad Dean.
And I also tried my hand at some dramatic under-exposed shots of my sister Stephanie. This shot was taken in the corner of Johanna's living room. Both walls have windows which let in some natural light on both sides of Steph's face.

Well Dad is getting older but I hope my wrinkles make me look that cool and weathered when I'm his age.
Here Duncan and my step-mum Blossom are chatting with Stephanie. Well even though my Mother and Sister swear on all-that-is-holy that Duncan can now say "Agnes" (at 8 months old) this time Duncan was saying nothing.

My Mum and Dad went on a cruise ( A cruise?? Give yourself a shake. I can't count the number of cruises they've been on) and had this picture taken. I took a picture of it and croped it. If I had my gear all set up I would have scanned it but this shot was the best I could get at the time. Looking good for a couple of seniors still globe trottin'.
Now if you don't want anyone in your family to suddenly die from an unstopable laughing fit DO NOT play "Things" with them, especially if it is a group of tipsy, vacationing adults.

Tam's got a new toy thanks to "The Gazelle"
It wouldn't be Christmas without Steve in the Santa hat.
Mary Jane really did lick Dan's lips but that was many hours and bottles later. I think Tam encouraged it too.
Ahh Pepperoni and the most beautiful, plastic, golden, good-luck cat I've ever seen. Steve you truly are gracious when accepting gifts ... especially when they're rubbish!